Society: Lists of kings and resources

One of the challenges in establishing a chronology or a list of ancient Egyptian kings lies in the sources that have been passed down to us. These sources are essential for understanding the historical reality. However, they can also present complications due to their age, potential biases, or incomplete nature. For this reason, we find that Egyptologists and specialists have differing opinions on the years of reign for each king, as well as the existence or non-existence of certain kings and the chronological order of their reigns. Why does this discrepancy occur? It is because the sources available to us are stelae and documents of various origins with differing lists. It must be understood that the history of ancient Egypt spans a very long period, during which the transmission of knowledge and the desire of some kings to modify or erase records influenced the creation of these lists. A king who ascended to power under dubious circumstances or whose name was intended to be forgotten...